Thursday, October 1, 2009


My silly Monday night professor humored me by saying that multitasking doesn't exist and those that claim to multitask are simply not doing one (or more) things...they're lying to themselves. HA! The guy sitting next to me (a friend of mine from a class last semester) looked at me and laughed at him.

I am preoccupied in class. In fact, I write this in my techniques class (we're talking about interview and session documentation). Silly professor said this about 20 minutes into a 3 hour class and at that point I was intently looking at him and half engaged. I looked at my laptop and started playing games while listening more intently than before. I was engaging the conversation from that point on: asking questions, commenting, having eye contact, and a lot of other things. He never knew I was really playing Tetris, he probably thought I was really engaged in note taking - which I also was doing. In fact, I was so multitasking that I set a new high score for eliminating 40 rows - 1:34! almost two seconds faster than the previous one. ...

(Now we're moving on to setting goals)

... I just thought that whole Anti-Multitasking silly professor doesn't really think beyond (goals are the rational part for the relationship, they indicate what the client's felt needs are and indicate what they do not want to accomplish...) his non-ADD brain. See playing a game like Tetris keeps my frigidity part of me occupied while the part of my brain that needs to think and focus and comprehend actually can do that. Now, it's not 100% but non-multitaskers aren't 100% either. Not that that is an excuse, it's rationale.

So today...FB? Tetris? Blogging? Note taking? Engaging? Which one will it be this class? Silly Professor, walk a day in my shoes and tell me what you think about the madness to my methods!

By the way, ADD people are typically thought of as lazy by the non-ADDer because we don't seem to be doing what we're asked...when we may already have it done! Oh yeah, don't sit behind me, you'll be distracted, I guarantee!

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