Thursday, October 22, 2009

Monday, October 19, 2009


I have a theory that no one reads this. For a couple reasons...

It's a new blog...kind no one knows

I stopped blogging for a long period of readers typically leave

I am getting more and more political...because my life is just that dull and also, politics turn people off

So if I'm wrong and you do actually read this, click the "follow" button and follow me...or leave a comment. I'll then try to be less dull.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hard Not to be Political

I don't understand Obama's sense at all (I know, for more than one reason, this is yet another). I will start by saying that I am not against Senior Citizens, they are an asset to our lives and our country with the experience they can pass down to younger generations.

But Obama's health care bill gives them sub-par health coverage because they are not contributing, productive members of society and yet now he wants Congress to dole out $250 to 50 million Seniors because Social Security, for the first time since 1975 (when automatic adjustments due to inflation were adapted), has not increased. If Obama thinks that Seniors are not "contributing, productive members of society" and therefore deserve sub-par health coverage, what makes them worth $250 one time payment? This will cost his white house an estimated $13 billion dollars.

Yes, $13 Billion dollars. Lets put numbers to Obama's first nine months in office:
$13,000,000,000 for this SS;
$829,000,000,000 Health Care;
$1,000,000,000 cash for clunkers action (which by the way, he is still figuring out how to get money to dealers for); and
$13,000,000,000 to students across the nation to go back to school;
Which equals $856,000,000,000.

Do we realize what this is? This is money our country currently DOES NOT HAVE! That means that our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren will still be paying for this on top of the "latest and greatest" programs they work towards.

This is what else it is costing us: Our freedom to help our neighbor in need. Do we realize that we are no longer able to help our neighbor because government has made this illegal, impossible, or unnecessary for us to do? We really cannot stand to sit back and watch this any more!

This health care bill also gives financial assistance to those seeking abortion (now I know this is against several of religions - Christians, Hindus, Muslims ?? - as it is taking away the sanctity of life). This is unconstitutional: government cannot make us go against a religion we choose to practice and they cannot tell us how to spend our money. When are we going to stand up and fight? The politicians are going to keep doing what is in their own personal financial benefit and for what is best for their reputation.

Grrr...I'll stop here.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


We are not made to live in this world as an island. We are not given the resources to be capable of this.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Things I Don't Understand

Like why do I have to buy car insurance when I live in a no-fault state?

Why (would I have to) pay into this new health care system when it supports abortion and abortion is against my religion?

Like why I can't sue the government if social security runs out before I retire?

Or why we drive on parkways and park on driveways?

And why I have to sit in class when the exams is over the book?

Or why I have to read the book if the exam is over class lectures?

Why, on some bills, do I have to pay a collection fee for late fee when I pay on time?

Why is it that with my old internet service provider I had to pay $1 for them to print me a bill and $1 for them to put a stamp on it and send it to me? It only cost me $0.09 to print at work and $0.42 (at the time) to put a stamp on it.

And why Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize? ...I'm waiting for the "action" part of his "call to action"

Why is it OK for politicians to call people 'jackasses' and for them to say 'f-- you' to their peers but if I told that j--a-- in the car next to me, I'd be in a whole sh-- load of f--ing trouble?

Anyway, life is unfair and if I tried to level the playing field then I'd be SOL.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


So I had this lotion in Fiji - Winter Candied Apple. Ridiculous, I know, seeing as there is no winter in Fiji, Christmas doesn't have the same scents, and Don doesn't even like apples. I had a little left in the bottle when I left Fiji so I gave it to Don so that he could remember me. Sappy I know, but he later told me that he would open the bottle just to remember me.

So when I came back to the US, I went to Bath and Body works and replaced the bottle that I'd left in Fiji. Well, I haven't been as faithful in using it and now, three and a half years later, the bottle still has two-thirds left in it. I probably use it once a week...maybe.

But those nights that I do...Oh my gosh, I close my eyes, put my hands up to my nose and do you know what I see in my mind?

Palm trees
Don's house
I hear ocean waves
I smell salty air
I think of pineapples and curry
I see winding streets through town
I see my car, my little brown Toyota Starlet
I'm watching Shortland Street and the Fiji One news
I see Gospel High School
I remember the joy at Safari
I think of Selai
I think about downtown: the bus station, Village 6, McDonalds, JJ's, Sakuna Park, Victoria Parade, Sogo, the Canal, Tapoos, I could go on...
I think of fish and chips
I think of Sighn's Curry (in a hurry) House (they had THE BEST lamb curry!)
I remember the BBQ stands and how Don wouldn't eat at them but I would drive across town just for them)
I think of the color green - everything is green there all the time
I remember what the harbor looks like
I remember the last sunset I watched just a few days before I left and the brilliant neon green flash that shines just before the sun sinks below the horizon (you'll see it if you live on the west coast)
I remember the streets crowded mostly with taxi cabs
I think of playing rugby in Albert Park.
I remember the drive around Suva Point
I remember Deuba, Coral Coast Christian Camp, and the Beach.
I remember going back home after hours spent talking to Don about everything.

I remember a lot. It's funny how a bottle of lotion will do that for me. It's nostalgic. Most of all, it reminds me of all the good times there and not one of my memories is negative and I really like that. I can't wait to go back. Any takers on wanting to come with us???

Thursday, October 1, 2009


My silly Monday night professor humored me by saying that multitasking doesn't exist and those that claim to multitask are simply not doing one (or more) things...they're lying to themselves. HA! The guy sitting next to me (a friend of mine from a class last semester) looked at me and laughed at him.

I am preoccupied in class. In fact, I write this in my techniques class (we're talking about interview and session documentation). Silly professor said this about 20 minutes into a 3 hour class and at that point I was intently looking at him and half engaged. I looked at my laptop and started playing games while listening more intently than before. I was engaging the conversation from that point on: asking questions, commenting, having eye contact, and a lot of other things. He never knew I was really playing Tetris, he probably thought I was really engaged in note taking - which I also was doing. In fact, I was so multitasking that I set a new high score for eliminating 40 rows - 1:34! almost two seconds faster than the previous one. ...

(Now we're moving on to setting goals)

... I just thought that whole Anti-Multitasking silly professor doesn't really think beyond (goals are the rational part for the relationship, they indicate what the client's felt needs are and indicate what they do not want to accomplish...) his non-ADD brain. See playing a game like Tetris keeps my frigidity part of me occupied while the part of my brain that needs to think and focus and comprehend actually can do that. Now, it's not 100% but non-multitaskers aren't 100% either. Not that that is an excuse, it's rationale.

So today...FB? Tetris? Blogging? Note taking? Engaging? Which one will it be this class? Silly Professor, walk a day in my shoes and tell me what you think about the madness to my methods!

By the way, ADD people are typically thought of as lazy by the non-ADDer because we don't seem to be doing what we're asked...when we may already have it done! Oh yeah, don't sit behind me, you'll be distracted, I guarantee!