Monday, March 29, 2010

Diet Starts Tomorrow

All of you are going to cringe when you read this: For dinner tonight, I had fries, fried green beans, strawberry cheese cake, and ice cream with caramel, chocolate, and whipped cream. It's a pretty darn good thing that birthdays only come along once a year!

For the rest of the day, I had animal crackers and a kit kat, coffee, and a water bottle of cherry pomegranate crystal light.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Change I Can Believe In

Those who know their American history can probably recall something called the Boston Tea Party. No, they didn't sit around and drink their tea and crumpets. Instead, they rebelled against taxation and dumped tea into the Boston Harbor. Well, the Tea Party is back! ...And if there is one thing I learned in Fiji, it was to enjoy my TEA!

I have recently been thinking more and more about the whole movement. It's a bipartisan group that is wants to regain control of the government and put back in the people's hands: by the people, for the people. It's goals are that there is fiscal responsibility, limited government, and free market. They want to preserve the economic future for our children, work for a return to the principles that govern our constitution, support the individual's rights and property, and also to provide a platform for like minded people to have a voice. Check out the website of my local chapter: or the national organization's website at: I think it's change that we can believe in, without hidden agendas, price tags, spreading of wealth, "transparency", deem and pass, or any of that other Washington bullshit.

Oh yeah, they also have a petition to 'Repeal the Bill' referring to the ObamaCare go to either of the websites above to sign. The goal is a million signatures. You can also do this through facebook, my facebook wall.

I don't want to have to be forced to buy things I don't necessarily want to have.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

12 Days Later

I'm finally over that whole...7 or 8 bazillion hours of class time.

So Tuesdays I have five clients. this really what the real world is like? Tons easier than Grad School!! ...So can't wait to be earning money!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Haven't Done This One In A While

So today, I did something I haven't done in almost 11 years: I was in class for nearly 8 hours.

OMG! I don't know how I ever went years - literally YEARS - having to go day, after day, after day, or even ONE day being in class for that long!

And even then, starting school at 8:00am and getting out at 3:00 isn't even 8 hours...not to mention your morning recess, lunch recess, and your afternoon recess. That boils it down to what...6 hours? then, in the later years, you're in class for 45 minutes and you get a five minute break. Good gravy, I've NEVER been in class for 8 hours straight!

So here is how today went:
10:00-11:55 Practicum Class
12:00-2:50 (minus two ten minute breaks) Research Methodology
3:00-6:00 (minus 15 minutes of break) Ethics and Issues
7:30 minutes of class!

How did I ever survive?! When I'm committed to something for that long at least I get a lunch break and a paycheck! Do you know how much today cost me? Nearly $300! That's like almost 2 weeks worth of work at my part time job! This better be SO worth it.

Ta for now!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Ha Ha, Real Funny

Don ordered us a pizza last night. Rather, Don bought the pizza and had ME order it (he does orders like that over the phone often enough to make me think he's allergic to it).

This is how the phone conversation went starting from where I finished the order:

Pizza Guy (PG): "4475..."

Me (shocked): "$44.75 for one large pizza!!?"

PG: "No, that's your address"

I apologized.