Friday, November 25, 2011

Ecclesiates 3:8

Well, back in the day the US was in a stalemate with Russia and for the most part people in the world just lived with bated breath.

Korea and Spain had entered into a cold war a few weeks ago with America forced into the facilitator position and Fiji trying not to get involved any more than it had to be. Nothing too major happened because as that weekend drew to a close, tension was all released, decisions had been made, and the member nations had made amends and peace resolutions where needed. Then there was peace in the United Nations Headquarters once again.

America had learned a valuable lesson. America blogged about that in the previous post.

Fiji had learned a lesson. Made decisions. And then cooked dinner (the Fijians and their eating!!).

Spain had learned some important life lessons that will not soon be forgotten. Spain is a much better person because of it too.

America thinks that Korea had also learned some lessons although because Korea is not very expressive, it was hard to tell.

The weekend ended and the next week started to unfold. America was pretty sure at this point that the past was in the past and at the end of the first few days of the week, the headquarters definitely had a different, lighter, more positive aire to them. It was incredible! The four member nations were working together as if they had been a coalition all along. But under the surface, there was still mounting tension that America and Fiji hadn't fully nipped in the butt (and most definitely needed too).

Now, if one thinks about it, one may not be surprised to learn that there are plenty of miscommunications that happen within the walls of these united nations. And the four member nations were walking into one large miscommunication without America or Fiji noticing (or Spain either for that reason). Korea seemed to change the most on the outside but on the inside Korea hadn't changed as much as it had seemed. Therefore, the new resolutions that came out of the cold war were pretty much counterproductive in a MAJOR way.

Well, Korea made itself clear a few days ago and the UN has to rewrite the peace resolutions and I'm sure this will take a bit more time. Grrr....right before the UN celebrates Thanksgiving and right as the calendar steamrolls into the busy holiday and end of semester season! America will definitely be posting minutes about how this all unfolds but in the meantime, America wants the readers, citizens of the world, and all those who believe in the church universal to keep us in the thoughts and prayers. All the member nations are intact and no one is at risk of a hot war (fyi).

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