Thursday, December 17, 2009

Almost? ...Not Yet?

I'm down to my last two exams. The first of the remaining is at 3:10 and the second at 6:00.

I always get to exams, the last one to study for in particular, and think or evaluate what my best really is. I get to that last one I have to study for and I get about half way through the material and I think, "I'm tired, exhausted, very little of this is sinking in, I gave up caring about two hours ago, and yet I have so much more to do" What is my best? Is it really that point of exhaustion? ...Should it be?

My stress comes from the fact that I get the exam back and find out how I did and regardless of whether or not it is what I expected to do, I always wonder if I could have done better (of course, being significantly more rested at that point, I usually conclude that I could have). There is nothing left that I can do at that point. I am forced into contentedness.

I've felt this way enough for it to influence my present behavior (yes, we did talk about this at some point in the semester, I can't remember if it was information on the midterm or the final or even what class it really was) but I now push myself more than I ever have before. I can do more papers, I can proof them one more time, I can do all the reading for all the classes (approximately 4500 for my four classes), I can get those papers graded on length to the maximum even tho its not that much more than if I come just a bit short, I can do... push... stay up later, wake up earlier, do just a little bit more... Then it will be my best.

I wish I could find out what my best is. Then I would know how far I have to go in order to get there. Not that I would settle, I don't care how far away my best is, just so I know. I hate seeing an 88 and wondering if a 89 or 90 would have been my best. If that is the case, then I didn't do as much as God had called me to do, I came short. ...again. I was almost. ...But not quite. Jesus meets us where I am...did I make it to that point? These things haunt me. Some days, yes, they keep me up at night...laying in bed awake, I wonder, 'Should I be reading, proofing, studying...' I take Sunday off to rest and my mind races about the load I have to carry for that week.

And it's not like I'm taking all that many classes. On the average week, I do have time to spend with family and friends - both on the weekends and during the week. I am able to go and have coffee with my mom, shopping for Christmas (I am nearly done at the moment), and I have time to fill in and do random acts of kindness and take the weekend off to go to Chicago. I just also wonder, constantly during the last few weeks of the semester, if the best that I am doing at this exact moment in time, is truly the best I am able to do. And deeper yet, if it is the best act of worship I can give God in my human, defaulted, and depraved state. If it is not, I fear I do not know what it is.

Oh, that paper that I ended up double spacing instead of single spacing, I got a 92 on it. Looking back I think I'm satisfied and am happy with the grade because I know I was exhausted at the end. I was however, hoping for a 95. The intensity of my exhaustion is currently the definition I have of whether or not I did my best.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is natural to push yourself to do your best and it keeps you going forward... However don't beat yourself up mentally... It will only drain you and put in self doubt... Were you satisfied when you handed in the homework/ finished the exam? If so then you did the best you could do in the circumstance you were in. Now if you were in a different circumstance (less classes, different assignments, different due dates etc...) your best might have been different. But in situation you were in it was the best so accept it. Also we all make decisions that put us in to each circumstance.. did you go out instead of studying? Did you burn the candle at both ends the week before so now you are exhausted and can't concentrate and studying isn't going well.. you know things like that.. you make decisions ever day.. There is a point that you have to come to terms with what you have done and the ending results. That is my $.02. Kelly you are always good at whatever you put your mind to. You will always succeed. Love you!
