Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Empty Words

I hate empty words. You know, those things people say to be polite, fill awkward silences, or just because 'that's what you say'. It's the: "Hi! How are you? ...' which immediately busts open into a string of something that has nothing to do about their concern for you. My undergrad was full of them and at first it felt warm and inviting but in the end, I realized that there were nice people on campus (a lot of them) but their words were not always ones of concern (or care sometimes).

So I resolved at that point, and after other events in life, ones that will remain mentionless...I would everything in my power, not to speak empty words:

I genuinely want to know how you are doing and sometimes that means, interrupting myself to hear your answer.

If I say to you I will pray for you, I am going to go and pray for you.

If I ask if there is anything you want me to do for you, I will genuinely go and do it or tell you that I cannot. ...And I really want to also (that is why I ask it).

If I tell you I will commit to something, promise something, or speak a yes or no, that is what I mean...take me for my word.

I find the greatest joy in being this upfront. Don't get me wrong, I do this in love and kindness. But I want you to know what I am saying, thinking, and doing. I am disappointed if and when you don't take me up on my offer. I want to practice this hospitality and in doing so, I want you to be blessed by it. I want to practice being the world that it should be so one day, the world will be the way it should be.

That is my resolve.

1 comment:

  1. I am exactly the same way, Kelly. It's always been a mission of mine to be sincere and honest in my words. It's no fun to be the recipient of one who says nice things, and then find out they were just words.
