Yes, we rounded another milestone in the UN. Now, knowing that this could be a difficult point in the member nations membership journey, America has been carefully planning just how each detail, party, and morsel would work together to make this occasion memorable, fantastic, and absolutely the best that it could be: bumps, bruises, and grief included!
Korea informed Fiji and America that other members would be temporarily joining the UN Dec 22-23 and Dec 27-28. America didn't think much of it other than the fact that she thought it would be a fantastic idea and a fantastic way to keep Korea occupied during the long days of the Untied Nations Christmas recess (hopefully a recess free of political sanctions and nothing but joyous celebration and relaxation! ...after all, isn't that what all political figures do this time of year?). The rest of the Schedule included Holiday celebrations (traditional American) on Dec 24, 26 and 31, and cultural bonding time with America's countrymen on Dec 25. Phew! That only leaves Dec 29, 30, and January 1 and 2 that had nothing planned. So America thought a good idea would be movie and skating on Dec 30 and nothing but relaxation to fill January 1 and 2 before school stared for UN member nation(s) on January 3. Thankfully the Honorary Spain had Wrestling practice to keep him occupied (although, since Spain has changed office space and political allies, it is no longer the job of this UN to worry about how to occupy 14 days of recess).
In preparation for this monuments occasion, it had been asked several times by America as to how this time of year was celebrated by both of the visiting member nations. Again (and as to be expected at this point) the answers received were as different as black is from white. One celebrates with small, quiet, sometimes non-existent celebrations of minimal break in the days. The other celebrates for three weeks. One will sometimes put a tree up, sometimes exchange gifts, sometimes... . The other celebrates with a massive parade through town where everyone comes out to celebrate with revelry! Going into this season, one was going to be severely disappointed and the other was not going to understand what was going on (you are left to pick who is who!). Neither has a white Christmas...and that was about the only thing that remained the same for the UN!
So here is how it went: The first set of members who joined the UN on Korea's behalf were her fellow country men. Oh man! America forgot how loud teenage girls can be! They were loud and full of laughter and energy. But they also cooked and cleaned up the kitchen all by themselves and never woke up America or Fiji. So it was a good trade off.
Honorary Spain skipped town and left the UN high-and-dry without Flamingo dancers on the Christmas Party on Dec 24. America was a bit frustrated by this fact because this was where the most chaos to be had. (Hello...35 people in a house that was built for 20, wrapping paper, and brand new set of means to celebrate the holiday, how much fun could that be??? besides the fact that America was pretty sure she knew what the member nations were going to get in those delectable wrapped boxes!). In the end, the three remaining member nations had a great time. Tons of food (as always) and the hot games this year were Anomia and Blokus.
The following day was spent with Fiji, America, and Korea spending the afternoon at America's mother/father-land. Again, playing Blokus (as every good strategy was thought to be had and now all that was needed was to perfect each move...or so some thought). Lunch consisted of make-it-your-own baked potato and salad. America's grandma was there. And yes, grandpa's presence was an obvious adjustment as he is dearly missed. Loloma.
Dec 26 rolled around, Spain made his appearance and in good fashion of America's tradition, there was monkey bread, fondue, wine, presents, and stockings! The greatest of all: the joy of celebrating the holiday, celebrating Christmas and the greatest gift of all, with family: member nations and honorary member nations in toe! One thing America has cherished over the years, are the people from afar that have come near to celebrate the goodness of this home (sound familiar??). America and the family have now entertained people from three countries and several states! Anyway, as in year's past there has always been a quote or two that gets repeated: "It's Lilac!" or "It's a CD!" and this year it was, "It's a box!" The hot gift: smart wool socks, particularly for the honorary Spain who wore thin, super light weight sock to the grave site where it was 28F and snowing. No more cold feet for him!
Sigh! December 26 came and went with a great amount of fun and spent energy and all America could think when she got home was, "Oh man, here we go again tomorrow!" as Korea had her allies (American) over. They were not quite as loud as the Korean allies and they didn't stay as long on the following day. Even though America was exhausted by the time they came, in the end it was fine because America didn't have to worry about how board Korea would be if they had not come at all.
All and all, it was a great recess, a much needed break from the school routine, and I think everyone will go into next week ready for the challenges that lie ahead. It was good -
Today America is thankful for Korea. Korea informed host America that Korea hated America. It was only due to the fact that America had blocked Korea in Blokus. America is also thankful because Korea is so super expressive! Korea has the greatest looks that send the message of disgust!
Anomia? I haven't heard of that game. I"ll have to check it out. I still think it's funny that someone my age has a teenager. :) I really like reading about your adventures and ideas, so please keep writing. :)