Thursday, November 3, 2011

"Oh My Word"

So the UN left early this morning for school. all America has to say.

If you've been following this UN Saga then you know this is the ever present issue, all the world apparently hangs on it. America left early purposely just to show Spain and Korea what would happen if the system was ruptured. Oh yeah, like the world was really going to end. America figured that if the UN left early the UN-Mobile would just be tied up in traffic with four-hundred-million other people trying to beat the bell in an effort to start the day off right.

America was right. The UN-mobile left a whole whopping four minutes early...7:26 which probably ended up being 6 or 7 minutes earlier than normal. And we sat in the middle of the road waiting for the traffic to clear so the UN-mobile could turn into the school's driveway.

Mostly, the UN left early because everyone was ready and America didn't want to wait, America wanted the day to move along swiftly.

America wasn't bothered by it. It was way to early to be bothered by such a trivial issue. Spain and Korea were going to be to school on time. America was more concerned with that morning's cup of coffee (the alternative to a morning nap which has the chance of ruining a perfect hair day) but America also knows that of all the things going on in the world this is an important issue to some countries.

The UN, well, three member nations of the UN, waited "ever so patiently". Normal chit-chat went on about after school activities during the drive to the school and then we approached the school and saw the endless line of headlights pouring into the driveway. And then we waited for God to part the sea:

Spain voiced an opinion and so did Korea. America let it go because these are the natural responses, the natural course, of how these things go. But, these things also need to be wrapped up and done with.

Then America finally spoke up. "This is the end of the discussion." Both countries have gotten their way, everything was attempted. We now will leave at the normal time. America will just have to find something to do to fill five minutes of time in the morning.

All-in-all, Spain and Korea got to school about one or two minutes earlier than normal. Hardly even noticeable to the naked eye.

Today America is thankful for Greece. They have real problems.

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