"You guys live in the ghetto!" -Katie Wisniewski (originator of the Ghetto)
"Kick 'em in the nuts and walk away." - Denae
"Good Ghandi" - Denae
"I feel so bad. You guys shouldn't have to live here." - DC Maintenance man
"Wow, you look big from here" - Kelly to Carol, 1.5 inches away.
"I need to move my Bible out of the middle of the floor — its being a stumbling block" - Sarah W
"Will you leave my mouth alone?" - Carol Hiner
"The garbage disposal is vomiting!!!" - Denae Wittmeier
"Our insides match!" - Sarah when she discovered the similarity between Carol's and her dress
"I have to get out of this chair: its making me dizzy!" Sarah
"Where do they expect you to sleep?" - Dad Wisniewski
"I wanna be a girl!!!" - Kelly
"This place isn't so bad. I wouldn't live there, but it's not so bad." - Anonymous
"Yay God!" - Denae after small and large demonstrations of God's greatness
"...Thingie..." - Sarah about anything.
"Most of us were not us for most of our life. Were you-you? I wasn't me!" said by Carol as Sarah shakes her head
"Do you have smoke detectors?" - Mom Helms
"Oh shit! This hurts like the Devil." - Denae when getting her finger caught in the garage door
"Its the ghetto~I can't take a shower in the ghetto!" - Kelly
"Let's go for it baby...I need some orange juice!" - Denae t-ed off (BIG TIME)
"I'm such a spaz" - Denae
"Now is not the time to be conservative, you're wearing a bed sheet!" - Kelly Helms
"Sioux Center has a ghetto?!" - Dr Veenstra
"For the next time you girls burn something on the stove" - Mom Helms
"I'm talking to myself and I don't know how I'm going to respond!!!" - Kelly panicking about working too much; upon being informed that the leak would be fixed
"What just happened here?" - Carol. "An act of God" - Denae.
"That person got bit by two penguins! How lucky can one person get?!" - Sarah W. Who else?
"Look at us - all sitting around crocheting and reading like a bunch of old maids. We could be the Golden Girls!" (i.e. us when we're 90). - Denae
"Who needs TV for entertainment? We have Kelly!" - Carol
"The ghetto doesn't have ghetto sauce? I'm confused" - Kelly
"They expect you guys to live here??" - Dad Wisniewski
"That's ridiculous!" - Carol and Denae on boys
"Dial 8! Dial 8!" - Carol waking up to a fire next door (Sept 11, 2001; approx. 45 minutes before the towers were hit)
"In the ghetto, we need all the safety measures we can get." - Kelly
"I'm scared to use your bathroom. I've been holding it all morning." - Mom Wittmeier
"Oh goodness, I just made some trouble." - Denae breaking the blinds
"You guys live on the wrong side of the tracks." - Josiah Murphy
"You know you've made yourself at home when you can bring over the tea kettle" - Sarah
"Wanna hear a funny story?" - Denae
"Hey check this out!" - Kelly; "I don't wanna check that out!" - Carol (about a strap/strapless bra)
"We're paying how much for this?" - Carol
"I'm a bad influence on myself" - Kelly in a struck tone
"I can't tell what persons are anymore!" - Carol how you can tell she's been proofreading too much
"I've lost my owner's manual. I don't know how to operate myself!" - Sarah (she did find it moments later)
"Oh Denae changed her head." - Kelly
"Fire! Fire! What do I do? - Kelly reacting to the pan melting on the stove
"I actually feel clean today! I took a shower in the other apartment." - Sarah
"I just wanna be the syrup" - Denae
"I find philosophy really easy. you make some statement that you don't fully understand and everyone else does then, five minutes later, you get it." - Kelly
"Oh I guess your hair does feel jelly" - Kelly to David Hjelle after Denae put gel in his hair
"No offense, but your apartment is kinda crappy." - Matt Hilbelink
"Did you steal all the sleep I didn't get?" - Sarah
"There's a shortage of perfect breasts in the world. T'would be a pity to damage yours." Wesley; Princess Bride.
There you go. In memory of all the good times and in forgetting all Manicotti.
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