So I resolved at that point, and after other events in life, ones that will remain mentionless...I would everything in my power, not to speak empty words:
I genuinely want to know how you are doing and sometimes that means, interrupting myself to hear your answer.
If I say to you I will pray for you, I am going to go and pray for you.
If I ask if there is anything you want me to do for you, I will genuinely go and do it or tell you that I cannot. ...And I really want to also (that is why I ask it).
If I tell you I will commit to something, promise something, or speak a yes or no, that is what I mean...take me for my word.
I find the greatest joy in being this upfront. Don't get me wrong, I do this in love and kindness. But I want you to know what I am saying, thinking, and doing. I am disappointed if and when you don't take me up on my offer. I want to practice this hospitality and in doing so, I want you to be blessed by it. I want to practice being the world that it should be so one day, the world will be the way it should be.
That is my resolve.