Monday, November 30, 2009

The End is in Sight!!

Praise the Lord! One paper, 5 weekly reading assignments, and 4 final exams to go! Pretty excited about that!

In the 11 days leading up to Thanksgiving Break, I wrote 10 papers, 1 presentation, did 2 or 3 reading assignments (enough not to be behind) and updated all of my study guides for my finals. No, Aunt Ev, I am not wonder-woman, just a very dedicated, die-hard, never going to get behind grad student. Oh yeah, I also had an interview last week, squeezed in at the last minute. I got the job/practicum/internship. Praise the Lord, still on track to graduate December 2010.

So that Bone-Headed Move of the Year post: I'm down to 12 pages double spaced, one more run-through proofing job to do and though it will not be down to 10 pages, it will be acceptable.

Starting that last paper tomorrow...was supposed to do it today but I decided to clear the schedule in terms of reading assignments so that I could focus the rest of the week on more reading assignments till next week.

Okay, thanks for all the wonderful comments, keep them coming!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Bone-Headed move of the Year

So I wrote this wonderful 10 page (single spaced) paper all yesterday. I am pretty proud of it (it's just over 19 pages double spaced, not quite the longest one I've ever written). I think did fairly well on it - still have to proof it - but over all I like what I had to say and I'm pretty proud of wrapping it all up in a nice, neat 10 page bundle.

Found out today that this pretty, fairly well written 10 page, single spaced, yet to be proofed paper, needs to be a pretty, fairly well written, 10 page double spaced, yet to be proofed paper.

Anyone up for a bottle of wine?


...Absolute genius.


I haven't blogged for a while. Obvious statement I know. If you've seen my facebook, you know why. I am writing everything but this blog. So here I am, in class, updating my blog. Here's life...

I hate theology. I'm sure it's not the context, it could partially be the prof...

I'm buried in work. In the past 11 days I've written 9 papers, 3 weekly reading assignments and I have 2 papers, 1 presentation, 1 interview, 8 weekly reading assignments, and 4 finals to do in the next 25 days.

Next forseeable break from homework (like more than putting it aside to rest): July or August potentially.

I'm struggling... Ironically not to get everything done, I'm pretty sure at this point that it will get done. But I've actually been struggling for quite a while. I think I'm getting to the bottom of it though, but then again, I'm not real sure.

Well, back to Wittmer and Theology... Thanks for reading.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Robbed of Intellectual Info

The one draining thing about school is the constant taxation on my intellectual info. Now mind you, I don't have a problem giving information out (writing papers, journals, criticisms, stuff about my life, etc...) because it is part of school, in particular Counseling. But really, sometimes I just feel like there are certain professors I have that just tear it out of me in ways that sort of feel like a thief running through my house taking whatever they please.

Really people... Is it that hard to be slightly more polite and gracious about taking these things that I hold so dear?

Thank you.

Wasting Tuition

We have this thing at GRTS called e-portfolio where they mark your progress (as an institution, see how they are doing) and you can also send that on to prospective employers/grad schools in order to...well, do what they do.

We have a mini-lecture about this SEVERAL times during various classes and new student orientation. It costs me $96.15 per class session so why are they repeating themselves over and over? I want my money back.

We also had this thing in as part of program introduction that teaches us how to research in the library. Okay really? We're in graduate school. We probably didn't get this far by not researching. I think we all know. Those who haven't been in school for 15 or so years, well, there are very visible reference people in the library that show us how to do things and are very available to us for help. I would like my money back for that.

It's week nine of the semester, nine weeks ago summer ended. So why are we still having internet/wireless connection problems? What ever you did over the summer Techies, how could it take you more than nine weeks to fix it? I would like my Technology Fee to be returned to me also.

I'm tired of my money being wasted: the government, my apartment people, school. Really people, I don't have a lot of money, I'm not wealthy, my husband and I are uninsured (or grossly under-insured to the point where we are pretty much uninsured) and we both work two part time jobs and go to school full time. Stop taking my money and putting it to shotty use. I am tired of slaving away only for you to waste my hard earned money. Stop it! Return it!